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 Comparative  Endocrinology


Comparative Endocrinology of Calcium Regulation:
The 6th CECR Satellite Meeting
June 24, 2007
Palais des Congres de Montreal, Canada

For more information, please contact:

Dr. Janine Danks
School of Medical Sciences
RMIT University
PO Box 71, Bundoora VIC, 3083


Comparative Endocrinology of Calcium Regulation
An Overview:

The Comparative Endocrinology of Calcium Regulation series of satellite symposia were set up in 1996, in conjunction with the International Bone and Mineral conferences, which was held that year in Melbourne. That first symposium was devoted to the comparative endocrinology of calcium and bone regulation, with emphasis on vertebrates ranging from fish to mammals. Subsequent satellite symposia were held in association with the IBMS in San Francisco in 1998, Madrid in 2001, Osaka in 2003 and Geneva in 2005. The scope of the meeting was expanded in 1998 to include aspects of Invertebrate calcium regulation, and this has continued into the present meeting to be held in Montreal in association with the IBMS.

Past Meetings

The 6th CECR Satellite Meeting

This symposium, to be held at the Palais des Congrès de Montréal, Canada, will address the most recent discoveries in the regulation of calcium metabolism in invertebrates and vertebrates, the evolution of the regulatory control of calcium homeostasis, and the pathogenesis of disorders of calcium metabolism in reptiles, amphibians, fish, birds and mammals. The Overview speakers have been chosen carefully for their expertise.

The 2007 Workshop will have an avian emphasis to help celebrate the work of two of the ISC pioneers: Carol Gay and Chris Dacke.

The symposium will commence at 09.30 on Sunday 24th June 2007 and will conclude at 16.00 to allow delegates to prepare for the Opening Ceremony of IBMS Conference. The registration fee is $85 CAD and includes lunch as well as refreshments. To register, please click .

Meeting Agenda

Click here to view the agenda.

Additional Information
Please Contact:

Dr. Janine Danks
School of Medical Sciences
RMIT University
PO Box 71, Bundoora VIC, 3083

International Scientific Committee

  • Janine Danks (AUS)
  • Chris Dacke (UK)
  • Carol Gay (USA)
  • Tom Rosol (USA)
  • Colin Farquharson (UK)
  • Michele Wheatly (USA)
  • Toshie Sugiyama (JP)

The international committee are grateful for generous support from

  • International Bone and Mineral Society (IBMS)
  • Amgen Inc, USA


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