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 IBMS BoneKEy®


A Knowledge Environment Dedicated to Improving Bone Health

An online Knowledge Environment on Bone, Mineral, Cartilage and Teeth for Clinicians and Researchers

IBMS BoneKEy® - Published by the International Bone & Mineral Society, BoneKEy® is the only open access online knowledge environment in the bone field. As a dynamic repository of knowledge, it is also a source of original content, including News, Perspectives, Commentaries, Meeting Reports, and Not to Be Missed annotations, written by the top experts in the field. The site is a global network of 12,000 registered users who all learn of each month's new content through regular monthly emails.

Open Access - IBMS BoneKEy® is committed to open access publishing; all content on the site is freely available for viewers to read, download, copy, distribute and use (with appropriate acknowledgment).


Current Features:

  • News, Not to Be Missed annotations, Commentaries, Perspectives, Meeting Reports, Virtual Journal, eLetters, Online Discussion Forums, Educational Resources, Directory, Calendar of Events, Jobs and Resumes, Personalization Features, E-mail Alerts


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